Sunday, January 11, 2009

Recent Aura Pictures

Today, I got the MOST astounding aura pics I've ever seen. Donna Reis of Color Vision, the photog, uses a camera she invented and manufactures ($9,600 each) to take these pictures. It is the only aura camera certified for evidence in court.
This morning, I picked up a 6" pot of pansies from Home Depot on the way to Donna's place in Ft. Worth. The plant actually looked pretty good but it was very dry. Because it was dry, it couldn't make contact with the camera plate, so we watered it, pulled out some roots for direct contact instead of through the plastic pot, and got it set for a picture. Pansies are tough. This plant actually appeared pretty healthy.

She took a picture
and it showed a very
distinct yellow and
brown aura with some
green in it.

Donna, who interprets these colors, teaches
the technique and has photographed plants, animals and people for over 20 years, exclaimed in surprise and concern, "It's dying". The green color was from the water. The yellow and brown indicated death - in this case.

Then I sprayed the pansies with the Summer-Fall Ultra Field Spray. The next photo showed an entirely different color around the flowers and leaves.

Purple and mauve mostly.

Donna said, "Its coming back to life. It wants to grow".

Then she took the third shot. The result was red fading to black, which Donna again interpreted as, "This plant is really full of life and really wants to grow now". She had never seen anything like this before.

This is the first actual visual evidence that these two sprays produce entirely different results.
For me, though, it's far more important than that and I am "over the top" excited about this. Because - this is the first visual evidence ever that not only are the sprays different, it is more actual evidence that our Wholistic™ Agriculture technology works. We actually captured and transferred Life Force Energy and the photos are the proof.
In my opinion, what we have is the most advanced technology in all of agriculture and the implications of this for agriculture, viticulture, apiculture, medicine, chemistry, physics and science in general are staggering. Absolutely staggering. If anyone knows anything about aura pictures (she also does Kerlian photography), but it is evidence (to me) that the technology we have developed is the most powerful technology in all of agriculture.
With these simple sprays, we are putting LIFE back into plants. Do you know anything else that can do that? There isn't. Cogitate and meditate on that for a while. These sprays return the Life Force to anything they touch. Instantly. Staggering. Transcendental.
You may recall, the ingredients in the sprays, and the sequence of the sprays, are absolutely identical except one uses bentonite clay that was put in a cow horn and buried from Spring to Spring, the other uses Horn Clay buried from Fall to Fall. The clay is identical, only the time and timing in the ground differs. That's all! Everything else is the same. And, to the chemist, it would seem impossible that they could be different. But they are.
Then there is the question of what happened. Clearly the sprays imparted some massive Life Force Energy to the plant. Conventional agriculture doesn't recognize Life Force Energy. Yet, without it, nothing would live; nothing would be alive; the entire world, including you and me, would be dead. The Life Force Energy (Prana, Chi, Ki or Mana) animates physical reality.
I'm having the photos scanned, enlarged and digitized by a photo shop so I can put them on the web and display them at the seminar in Grand Rapids next week. To me, they are overwhelming evidence that we - you, me, everyone, anyone - can reinstill this Life Force in our plants, animals and even ourselves.
I had a before and after picture taken of me after I sprayed my J3 memory spray- it was definitely more organized after than before, and she photographed my dog Scotty before and after spraying him with my new Peaceful Puppy™ spray, which is our Peaceful Meditations spray with a different label, again, dramatically different colors before and after - purple to yellow, very bright colors, very concentrated energy. He was really mellowed out and for 3 hour drive back home, in stop and go traffic, the longest he's ever been in my truck, he was calm as can be. We're making up a version for cats, horses, cows and farm animals too, for those of you wondering.
I don't expect the average farmer or even the average person to be convinced that these photos tell of a technological quantum leap since they by and large know nothing about aura photos or even recognize that there is a Life Force electrical energy that can be measured and photographed. Kirlian photography has been around since 1939, but many charlatans in the field have spoiled its reputation.
Still, the contrast in these photos is stunning and I am excited. This is a HUGE breakthrough. Absolutely HUGE.

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